Monday, March 12, 2012

I trust that you are having a blessed Lenten season. 
A time for reflection.
A time for spiritual renewal.
A time for physical rest.
A time for mental stimulation.
A time to fill your cup so that you might have something to share with others.

Church women across the nation are requested to sign a petition thanking Secretary of State Hilary Clinton for her1000 Days Campaign. 
The idea behind this campaign is simple.  The 1000 days from pregnancy through a child’s second birthday are the most crucial for a child’s development.  With proper nutrition, children grow to their full potential, are healthier throughout their lifetime, increase their standard of living, and can increase a country’s GDP by at least 2-3 percent.  On the other hand, malnutrition contributes to more than one in every three deaths of children under age 5 each year.

Secretary Clinton has mobilized her staff at the state Department to promote nutrition programs throughout the world. She has worked with a coalition of faith groups and international providers, known as the 1000 Days Partnership to bring attention to this problem

With this petition, we want to send a strong signal that the women of Church Women United and other women’s groups throughout the country support her efforts and encourage her to keep in the fight even after leaving the State Department.

Our CWU President, Marguerite Carter has a goal of 50,000 signatures for this petition.  We have until May 15 to sign this petition. Please contact me at if you do not have access to a petition.

March is National Nutrition Month – time to commit to healthier eating.  You can check out Recipes for Healthy Living website to learn more about nutrition and browse for something new to try.