Thursday, January 26, 2012



Visit to take a look at Djamillah's excellent work in creating the new national CWU website.  This new site will be easier to keep up to date since it can be done in-house.
If you like what you see, let Djamillah know.

If you have a recommendation, drop a note to me.  I know Djamillah has the notes and plans to add more as time goes on but her goal was to get the new site live by the end of January - and she made that deadline!  Hurray!

Judy Dunson, Chair
National CWU Communications

January 25  Registration deadline for Legislative Briefing Day
February 11 2012 Ecumenical Legislative Briefing Day. 
February 15 Deadline for the Nebraska Church Woman
March 2  World Day of Prayer
April 20  CWU NE Spring Council Meeting  Norfolk NE
April 21  CWU NE  State Assembly  Norfolk NE 

Join the “Nickels for National” campaign – save your nickels and bring them to State Assembly.  From a discussion of how much CWU women collect through pennies for the Fellowship of the Least Coin came the idea of “Nickels for National” to support the mission of
Church Women United. Campaign was adopted by the Common Council.  


Monday, January 23, 2012

Diane Kratz, Co-President Omaha Unit sends the following regarding Uta Halee.
We are still kind of in mourning over the closing of Uta Halee.  I received a phone call from an alumnus of Uta Halee just after the announcement.  She wrote this to me.  “The issue with Uta Halee is that the federal government made changes to the Medicaid law and the way Nebraska interpreted the law girls could not move from one level of care to another.  Uta Halee built the successful model which offered several different levels of care with the girls able to transfer from one cottage to another until they were able to transition back home. 
The most acute care cottage had nothing - glass, no mirrors, no knives, only durable plastic dishware, etc. - nothing that could use to hurt themselves or others and life was very structured. 
The next cottage had mirrors, knives, etc. but the girls still had a lot of structure. 
The third cottage, the girls had less structure, still had school on campus, still had counseling, still had a program to work through but they also were able to do some things for themselves.  Sometimes the girls in the third cottage were able to go home for weekends, etc. 

After they were dismissed from residential treatment, the girls were able to attend the day school if that was appropriate and live at home or in a foster home. 
After they transitioned from the day school, they could attend public school and come to Uta Halee for an after school program where they were able to get their counseling and spend the time from after school until their parents got  home from work. 
Eventually, the goal was to have the girls able to return home.  The girls and their families were able to build a trust with their caregivers as they worked through the program at Uta Halee. 
The state decided the Medicaid law requirement was for one level of care per facility and the method of placement into residential treatment required a thorough evaluation from a psychiatrist after the recommendation from the courts.  It was taking over 6 weeks to get a girl placed. 
So, referrals were not coming into Uta Halee as fast as the girls were being processed out of the program.  The needs of the girls and their families were not being met during this slow evaluation process.  Uta Halee could not keep staff in place with such a small population of girls being served. 

CWU – Omaha does have a scholarship for alumni of Uta Halee who have graduated from high school or received their GED, to continue their post high school education.  Most of the girls who take advantage of the scholarship attend a community college but some have tried a 4 year program.  We will pay the hourly tuition cost of a community college and the girls will need to make up the remainder of their tuition.  The girls are more successful at the community college level anyway.  We are going to continue to offer scholarships as long as there is a need for the girls.  Tracy Wells from Uta Halee has offered to maintain the Uta Halee Facebook page as a way to keep in contact with the girls and she posted the scholarship application on Facebook. 

January 25 – Registration deadline for Ecumenical Legislative Day
February 11 – Ecumenical Legislative Day
February 15 – Deadline for articles – The Nebraska Church Woman – send to Judy

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

News from Lois LaFon

" WOW!!! What an Spirit-filled experience! Met 5 amazing women for the first time and in 3 1/2 days picked theme, scripture, music, possible logos, new lyrics for one hymn and paired off to work on specific celebrations. My new friend, Jan from Connecticut, and I will be writing May Friendship Day 2012. Our hostess, Carolyn McCullough, knows how to roll out the red carpet, for sure. We attended a prayer breakfast at her AME Zion Church Saturday morning which was really great, too. Thank you Church Women United for letting me be part of something so totally cool. Lois"

Monday, January 9, 2012

Exciting News and Reminders

Exciting News
Lois LaFon has agreed to serve on the CWU National Ecumenical Celebrations Committee. Margurite Carter remembered Lois from her visit to our State Assembly in 2010 and asked her to fill a vacancy on that committee. Lois will be traveling to Dallas TX on January 13 for a planning retreat. Please congratulate Lois and keep her in your prayers as she travels to Dallas.
Who are our past Celebrations Committee members from Nebraska?
January 11
is Human Trafficking Awareness Day. The Omaha World Herald reported finding 155 Internet ads in Nebraska promoting girls and women for sex. There is a need to strengthen and enforce anti-trafficking and child victim laws in NE.
January 15 is the registration deadline for the January 22 dinner
At the Celebration of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. See previous entry.
January 25 is the registration deadline for the 2012 Ecumenical Legislative Briefing Day. Email me at or call 402-463-7615 if you do not have a flyer.
February 11 is the 2012 Ecumenical Legislative Briefing Day.
February 15 is the deadline for the Nebraska Church Woman
Judy Dunson, Chair National CWU Communications conducted a workshop at the 70th Anniversary Celebration and asked for input and feed back on communications between national and state. I look for enhanced communications this next year and encourage you to subscribe to the ChurchWoman News. Six issues for $15. Contact me for an order for or let me know of any difficulty you have in receiving your issues.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity


Welcome to the CWU NE Blog. I plan to use this site to communicate with you and to keep you updated on CWU news and information.

From Interchurch Ministries of Nebraska: an invitation to join in

You are invited to dinner and worship at the Celebration of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. This special event will be held will at All Saints Episcopal Church, 9302 Blondo Street, Omaha, on Sunday, January 22, 2012. Dinner will be served at 5:00 pm followed by the Unity Worship Service at 7:00 pm.

“As a worldwide observance seeing “unity in diversity,” the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity focuses upon the shared yearnings of all Christians “that all may be on” (John 17:21) according to the will of Christ. The theme for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2012 comes to us from the churches in Poland, who have reflected upon their own experience as a nation, and in particular how, as a nation, they have been changed and transformed by the many upheavals of their history, and sustained by their faith.

Change is also at the heart of the ecumenical movement. When we pray for the unity of the church we are praying that the churches that we know and which are so familiar to us will change as they conform more closely to Christ. This is an exciting vision, but also a challenging one. Furthermore, when we pray for this transforming unity we are also praying for change in the world.

Bishop David defreeze, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Nebraska Synod and Bishop Ann B. Sherer-Simpson, United Methodist Church, Nebraska Conference will bring the message during the ecumenical worship service.

The dinner will feature recognition of those named to the Interchurch Ministries of Nebraska People of Faith Wall of Honor."

Reservations are required for the dinner at $20.00 each payble to Interchurch Ministries of Nebraska Send your check along with your name, address, phone no. and email address to Interchurch Ministries of Nebraska, 215 Centennial Mall South, Suite 300 68508 before January 15, 2012.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Welcome to my new blog for the NECWU or for this blog, the CWUNE.BLOGSPOT.COM! Be sure to check back for updates and articles and photos that are relative to our functions or up and coming events!