Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity


Welcome to the CWU NE Blog. I plan to use this site to communicate with you and to keep you updated on CWU news and information.

From Interchurch Ministries of Nebraska: an invitation to join in

You are invited to dinner and worship at the Celebration of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. This special event will be held will at All Saints Episcopal Church, 9302 Blondo Street, Omaha, on Sunday, January 22, 2012. Dinner will be served at 5:00 pm followed by the Unity Worship Service at 7:00 pm.

“As a worldwide observance seeing “unity in diversity,” the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity focuses upon the shared yearnings of all Christians “that all may be on” (John 17:21) according to the will of Christ. The theme for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2012 comes to us from the churches in Poland, who have reflected upon their own experience as a nation, and in particular how, as a nation, they have been changed and transformed by the many upheavals of their history, and sustained by their faith.

Change is also at the heart of the ecumenical movement. When we pray for the unity of the church we are praying that the churches that we know and which are so familiar to us will change as they conform more closely to Christ. This is an exciting vision, but also a challenging one. Furthermore, when we pray for this transforming unity we are also praying for change in the world.

Bishop David defreeze, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Nebraska Synod and Bishop Ann B. Sherer-Simpson, United Methodist Church, Nebraska Conference will bring the message during the ecumenical worship service.

The dinner will feature recognition of those named to the Interchurch Ministries of Nebraska People of Faith Wall of Honor."

Reservations are required for the dinner at $20.00 each payble to Interchurch Ministries of Nebraska Send your check along with your name, address, phone no. and email address to Interchurch Ministries of Nebraska, 215 Centennial Mall South, Suite 300 68508 before January 15, 2012.

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