Thursday, January 26, 2012



Visit to take a look at Djamillah's excellent work in creating the new national CWU website.  This new site will be easier to keep up to date since it can be done in-house.
If you like what you see, let Djamillah know.

If you have a recommendation, drop a note to me.  I know Djamillah has the notes and plans to add more as time goes on but her goal was to get the new site live by the end of January - and she made that deadline!  Hurray!

Judy Dunson, Chair
National CWU Communications

January 25  Registration deadline for Legislative Briefing Day
February 11 2012 Ecumenical Legislative Briefing Day. 
February 15 Deadline for the Nebraska Church Woman
March 2  World Day of Prayer
April 20  CWU NE Spring Council Meeting  Norfolk NE
April 21  CWU NE  State Assembly  Norfolk NE 

Join the “Nickels for National” campaign – save your nickels and bring them to State Assembly.  From a discussion of how much CWU women collect through pennies for the Fellowship of the Least Coin came the idea of “Nickels for National” to support the mission of
Church Women United. Campaign was adopted by the Common Council.  


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