Monday, January 9, 2012

Exciting News and Reminders

Exciting News
Lois LaFon has agreed to serve on the CWU National Ecumenical Celebrations Committee. Margurite Carter remembered Lois from her visit to our State Assembly in 2010 and asked her to fill a vacancy on that committee. Lois will be traveling to Dallas TX on January 13 for a planning retreat. Please congratulate Lois and keep her in your prayers as she travels to Dallas.
Who are our past Celebrations Committee members from Nebraska?
January 11
is Human Trafficking Awareness Day. The Omaha World Herald reported finding 155 Internet ads in Nebraska promoting girls and women for sex. There is a need to strengthen and enforce anti-trafficking and child victim laws in NE.
January 15 is the registration deadline for the January 22 dinner
At the Celebration of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. See previous entry.
January 25 is the registration deadline for the 2012 Ecumenical Legislative Briefing Day. Email me at or call 402-463-7615 if you do not have a flyer.
February 11 is the 2012 Ecumenical Legislative Briefing Day.
February 15 is the deadline for the Nebraska Church Woman
Judy Dunson, Chair National CWU Communications conducted a workshop at the 70th Anniversary Celebration and asked for input and feed back on communications between national and state. I look for enhanced communications this next year and encourage you to subscribe to the ChurchWoman News. Six issues for $15. Contact me for an order for or let me know of any difficulty you have in receiving your issues.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What do you mean on Feb 15 deadline for Nebraska Church Women?
?Subscription? or ?items or articles submitted to be published to NE Church Women?